The Hidden Signal In Delayed Earnings Announcements

Bad news travels fast, but according to research, not for corporate earnings calls. Researchers at the University of Texas and MIT have discovered hidden information contained in when exactly companies chose to schedule their quarterly earnings releases. If a company schedules its earnings much earlier than normal, then earnings are often better than expected and share price gains typically follow.

Conversely, when a company delays its reporting, that can be a bad sign. Bad news often follows. Of course, most companies have a good sense of whether its earnings will be good or bad, before picking a day for their earnings announcement. Interestingly, the market appears to overlook when the reporting date is moved forward or back, which is a powerful clue to how good or bad the results are.

Therefore, you have historically been able to make money in the market just by looking at when companies chose to report quarterly earnings. If the reporting date comes in much earlier than expected, it’s a buy. If the earnings report is delayed, it’s a sell.

How It Works

Every year, most companies report quarterly earnings at roughly the same time of the month. For example, Oracle might usually report its quarterly earnings on the third Monday in March with predictable reliability. Most of the time, specifically in about about 9 quarters out of 10, companies will stick to these dates for quarterly reporting. If last year, they reported on the third Monday of March, this year will likely be at the same time or perhaps moved forward or back by a single day. That’s perfectly fine, and we can’t infer anything from an earnings date that’s on, or very close to, the date used in prior years.

When Earnings Announcement Dates Move

However, for the 1 in 10 that move far from their expected dates, it gets interesting. It turns out that when a company moves its earnings announcement day forward or back by 3 days or more then that timing change can help predict how good or bad the earnings will be. This relationship was uncovered and analysed by Travis Johnson at the University of Texas and Eric So of MIT. You can read their detailed research findings here.

Good News Comes Early

Companies that pull their earnings forward tend to report unusually good results, and typically see their stock price move up. They apparently want to share the news as soon as they can. On the other hand, those firms that move their earnings back tend to disclose weaker results and see their stock price fall. Perhaps management need a few more days to really dig into the numbers and refine the story for investment analysts.

Also, the farther the results move forward or back, the greater the impact. Basically, if a company reports quarterly earnings 5 day or more later than usual, then once those earnings are reported, the stock price typically falls, which is unusual as on average stocks see a small positive bump around earnings releases.

However, if the announcement is pulled forward by 3 days the stock typically does better than average on the announcement day and beyond. If reporting is pulled forward by 5 days or more, the stock price reaction to earnings can be very good. These changes can also continue for up to a few weeks after the announcement as the stock drifts after earnings. However, if reporting is within 2 days of the expected time, then from this perspective it’s a non-event. There’s no real value or lesson in the slight change of the earnings announcement timing, it's only bigger moves that have real signalling value.

Implementation Issues

It is worth noting that the impact of these moves is fairly small. A full implementation of buying those companies moving earnings announcement forward and selling those moving it back delivers returns of approximately 2% or so a quarter most of the time, but of course, such an approach adds up over time, the authors found that a dollar invested in this strategy becomes over $12 after following it for 7 years, though this before any trading and tax costs. The strategy is profitable in most quarters and did particularly well during the 2008-9 recessionary period. So perhaps the next time we see a recession, paying particular attention to the timing of earnings releases as a signal of how companies are doing will be wise.

The importance of earnings announcement shifts is interesting because financial regulators want to make sure that the market learns of all new and important information of company earnings at the same time. Yet, in fact, moves in the timing of the earnings announcement signal how well the company believes it is doing. Companies with good news can tend to pull their announcements forward, and those with bad news can tend push their announcements back. So the next time a company you hold plans to report its quarter a week later than expected, you might want to lighten up on your position.